It has an amazing texture with non-greasy finish, which leaves in the body a delicious and relaxing fragrance to hibisco flower. For all types of skins and hairs.
El Aceite Limpiador Dexeryl está especialmente indicado para limpiar suavemente, calmar y relipidar las pieles secas a muy secas o con tendencia atópica, preservando la barrera cutánea.
In new multipurpose treatment, with 98% natural ingredients.Very hydrating and nutritious, sublimates the beauty of the skin and hairleaving a satin veil with a delicious floral aroma.Absolutely addictive!!!
Aceite de higiene que limpia la piel suavemente al mismo tiempo que la protege aliviando la sensación de tirantez, propia de las pieles más secas.
Prepare your body for childbirth, leaving your skin more flexible.100% natural oil to protect the skin from perineum against episiotomy.
Multifunction dry oil ideal for both face, body and hair. Hydrata, repair and nutre providing softness.
Dry Oil and Antioxidant.It returns to the Piel its Shining Look.Protects Piel and Frena the Aging Photo.Reinforce the Cutánea Barrier.Improves Texture and Elasticity.With Vitamins and Argan, Olive, Avocado and Macadamia.Suitable for Face, Body and Hair.
Treatment for attacks on fragile skins. Insulate, protect, repair, purify, and calm. It promotes the repair of the epidermis.
Body Repair oil es un aceite reparador y preventivo de estrÃas que puedes uilizar durante cualquier época de la vida.
Fat burning Oil es un aceite quemagrasas corporal de tacto seco que sirve para combatir la grasa localizada.
Aceite seco formulado con micas naturales para potenciar el bronceado.
100% natural and bio carrot vegetable oil, obtained through the maceration of the roots of the carrot. Activate the melanine of our skin by boosting the tan.
Body Repair oil es un aceite reparador y preventivo de estrÃas que puedes uilizar durante cualquier época de la vida.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016