Melatonin, tryptophan and vitamin B6 dietary supplement. It contributes to improving the quality of sleep and reducing the time of conciliation.
This compound is a powder for the preparation of moisturizing beverage that provides mineral salts. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
Complemento alimenticio a base de fibra vegetal lÃquida lista para tomar. El consumo de fibras debe ir acompañado de un consumo adecuado de lÃquidos. Sin gluten.
Complemento alimenticio a base de fermentos lácticos vivos (Probióticos Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis®) con 100 millones de UFC por comprimido,sabor a fresa
Lactibiane Niños Gotas es un complemento alimentario destinado a aportar a los niños 5 cepas microbióticas especÃficas, dosificadas a 2000 millones por dosis, asà como vitamina D3.
Babybiane Imedia está especialmente formulado para las necesidades nutricionales de los niños desde el nacimiento en caso de gastroenteritis aguda o diarrea asociada a antibióticos.
PediaSure is a nutritional supplement with nutrients from the 5 food groups such as proteins, vitamins and minerals that helps children grow strong and healthy.
PediaSure is a nutritional supplement with nutrients from the 5 food groups such as proteins, vitamins and minerals, which helps children grow strong and healthy.
Pediasure Vainilla is a powdered food supplement with vanilla flavor for children up to 10 years that favors a healthy and balanced diet, while contributing to its growth and development.
Infusions in monodosis without added sugar. Avoid regurgitations, vomiting, abdominal pain or constipation. With fennel and chamomile.
Complete and balanced food for children requiring extra nutrient input. For children from one year old.
Extra push that helps you because of the shortage of vitamins in the body. No later this is a natural supplement that can complement your food
Meritene Junior Pro Sabor Leche is a food for special medical uses, indicated for children from 1 to 10 years at nutritional risk.
Multicentrum Vitagomis Junior 30 gominolas: Gominolas con vitaminas y minerales esenciales para los niños con sabor a cereza, naranja y fresa / frambuesa.
Formulado para apoyar las necesidades nutricionales especÃficas de los más pequeños
Dos gominolas aportan 250 mg de vitamina C para niños de 3 a 5 años y 500 mg para niños de 6 años en adelante por 4 gominolas
Nausealiv de Humana es un producto natural que ayuda al alivio tanto de las naúseas como del vómito y favorece la digestión
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016