Kin Fkd Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 2 x 125 ml
VITIS whitening is the daily use toothpaste that effectively whitens after 10 days of use* and protects the tooth enamel..
VITIS whitening collutory effectively whitens teeth, eliminating stains and avoiding their formation(1)also does not damage the enamel and prevents the sensitivity of the teeth.
DENTIBLANC blanqueador PRO es un dentÃfrico de uso diario y continuado para la higiene y el cuidado buco-dental, con una nueva fórmula de protección total, blanqueadora y antimanchas, abrillantadora y de acción reparadora y fortalecedora.
Pack dedicated to teeth whitening treatment provided with disposable moulds
Tooth whitening kit immediately that will leave your teeth up to 8 tones clearer after first application.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016