Toothpaste prepared with sodium fluoride with an immediate action to make your enamel stronger.
This Fluorkin collutory is really ideal for using it in the care and protection of gums and teeth.
Oral rinse with hexetidine especially indicated to combat germs and prevent the formation of bacterial plaque
This toothpaste is indicated for the daily protection and care of teeth. It offers an anticaries and antiplate action. It contains fluoride.
Toothpaste specially indicated to prevent and prevent caries problems. It offers a triple anticaries action.
NR-5 technology with rich texture and dense formula is a toothpaste, solidifying teeth and protecting them from decay.
Toothpaste with mint flavor and fluoride concetration.
VITIS®aloe vera pasta dentífrica apple-floor flavor is a daily-used toothpaste specially formulated to prevent caries, as it effectively reduces the biofilm oral (bacterial plaque) and remineralize the tooth enamel.
Caqui Un toque de baya de enebro. Toda la diversión de un gin tonic sin alcohol. Prepárate para los desafíos diarios. “Be You”.
Rinse mouth that leaves a refreshing mint aroma. Combat germs and bacteria that are difficult to remove with daily brushing.
It prevents tooth decay and reinforces enamel, thanks to a high fluoride concentration that acts effectively against tooth decay. On the one hand, the fluoride is fast and directly fixed on the enamel as well as on the dental plate. And, on the other hand, the fluoride acts protractedly, even after the brushing.
Oral elixir that helps prevent the appearance of the plate, as well as gum problems. Keeps the breath fresh for longer. Protection 24 hours. No alcohol. Format Duplo.
VITIS® aloe vera collusion mint flavor is a daily mouthwash that controls the formation of biofilm oral (bacterial plate) and prevents cavities from reaching areas of difficult access.
Oral Flora is a food supplement that helps to maintain the balance of bacterial flora in the mouth, throat, ear and nose.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016