Organic toothpaste, formulated with 99% natural ingredients. With aloe vera and minta. Protect the enamel.
Melocotón + Albaricoque – increíble sensación¿Qué te hace feliz? ¿Qué te hace exclamar “guau”? Sutil sabor de melocotón y albaricoque. Un toque de menta refrescante. Pura felicidad y frescor para tus dientes.
Pomelo + Bergamota –el dentífrico que ayuda a tus dientes a brillarPomelo sabroso, bergamota vigorizante –despierta tu boca y tu mente. Es la hora de brillar como una estrella. “Be You”.
A mouthwash prepared by the hand of one of the most competent brands in the bucodental care.
Sesderma Dentyses Pasta Antiage keep your breath fresh and free from the bad smells, avoid the formation of diseases and aging in the mouth.
Sesderma Dentyses Pasta Anticaries cares for your daily oral hygiene that prevents against the appearance of cavities and protecting the enamel.
Sesderma Dentyses CHX Colutory bucodental rinse that prevents the appearance of decay and protects the enamel of teeth.
DentistryWeleda of daily use made without mentol for a complete brushing.
Calm the delicate gums thanks to their BIO calendula extracts. It provides a durable cooler. Compatible with homeopathic treatments.
Active mouth protection. It helps prevent the formation of dental plaque and prevents caries. With CPC 0.14% and sodium fluoride.
Toothpaste with fluoride, which provides anticay protection. They also have calcium. Protects and strengthens teeth against cavities.
Perfect pack Fluocaril, in which you will find a 500ml collection, a manual toothbrush and a mint-flavored toothpaste.
Dentist. It helps prevent cavities and strengthen enamel.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016