VITIS® aloe vera collusion mint flavor is a daily mouthwash that controls the formation of biofilm oral (bacterial plate) and prevents cavities from reaching areas of difficult access.
Oral Flora is a food supplement that helps to maintain the balance of bacterial flora in the mouth, throat, ear and nose.
Sandía dulce y helada. Refrescante mentol. Siente la ilusión... como un niño cuando va a una tienda de golosinas. Ama la vida. “Be You”
VITIS®aloe vera pasta dentífrica mint flavor is a daily-used toothpaste specially formulated to prevent caries, as it effectively reduces the biofilm oral (bacterial plaque) and remineralize the tooth enamel.
Regenerate Expert Mouth Bath Expert Foaming Formula 50 ml is a mouthwash that helps restore enamel after acid attacks
Add to brushing to reach areas of difficult access, keeping active ingredients longer in the mouth.
The elmex Junior 6-12-year-old toothpaste, when used daily, strengthens and protects teeth from decay attacks. The pleasant taste encourages children to brush their teeth regularly.
Esta pasta dentífrica contiene flúor y un componente remineralizante que ayuda a prevenir la pérdida de densidad en el esmalte.
Toothpaste prepared with sodium fluoride and with Sodium Monofluorurophosphate to take care of your teeth while keeping good Ice for its mint taste.
Fluoride Baby Toothpaste designed for children's oral hygiene up to 6 years old
Pasta that prevents the appearance of cavities, forming a protective layer on the dental surface that hardens the enamel.
Mora + Regaliz –lujo suntuoso en una pasta de dientesLas moras de ensueño se unen a un regaliz lujoso –lo primero por la mañana.. y lo último por la noche. Dulces sueños. “Be You”
VITIS® anticaries is the first colutorio anticaries that protects and repairs the enamel coming to its interior thanks to the action of the nanoparticles of hydroxiapatita, natural element of the tooth, which combine and integrate with the dental enamel. Its formula also incorporates fluoride and xylitol, for superior prevention of tooth decay.
Manzana + Aloe vera – cepillado extraordinario
It provides fresh breath and strengthens gums with a tendency to bleed.Concentrated mouthwash with natural ingredients helps keep your mouth healthy.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016