Discos desmaquillantes reutilizables elaborados con algodón orgánico y carbón de bambú Natural Fiber de Beter
Ultra soft bamboo discs to clean the skin.
If you have a tendency to have fat skin pays special attention to the hygiene of your skin. Make-up Remover Oily & Combination Skin wipes regulate and purify without causing dryness. In less than 1 minute you'll be finished: there's no excuse!
Towels that manage to keep your skin completely free of impurities and dirt. They remove the makeup as a whole.
Remove the eye makeup without leaving trace and protect the delicate skin with its 100% natural and extra-suave biological cotton.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016