Air-Lift combats bad breath naturally and effectively, with the patented combination of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Xilitol and Fluor that catches and drags CVS without altering the balance of the mouth and respecting its natural flora. Reduces plaque and improves gum health. Spray format. Sabor minta.
Colutory indicated to combat problems related to halitosis.
Chicle sin azúcar con sabor a menta, cubiertas por una capa que te proporciona una sensación de frescor durante 60 minutos.
Colutory indicated to combat problems related to halitosis.
Chicle sabor hierbabuena sin azúcar
Colutory indicated to combat problems related to halitosis.
Colutory indicated to combat problems related to halitosis.
Concluding Bexident halitosis is a brand collude Isdin which favors the elimination of all those agents that cause problems of odor of mouth.
Air-Lift combats bad breath naturally and effectively, with the patented combination of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Xilitol and Fluor that catches and drags CVS without altering the balance of the mouth and respecting its natural flora. Reduces plaque and improves gum health. Format in capsules. Sabor minta.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016