Soft and silky correction in stick format with the ability to slide like a second skin. It masks the skin's redness and scars. Tested in sensitive skins.
Corrector enriched with the antioxidant properties of vitamin E and A, with which to dim the excesses of brown coloring on your skin. Tested in sensitive skins.
Es un maquillaje dermatológico de textura fluida que corrige las manchas, dificulta su formación y las camufla gracias al biofermento de Salvia Sclarea.
Maquillaje corrector despigmentante. Tono 05
Stick Corrector Coral: helps camouflage hyperpigmentations (dark brown eyes, brown spots, brown scars, pregnancy mask). Long term Water resistant, sweat and transfer. UV protection (SPF 20 Y SPF 30 for the coral stick) to protect the skin from sunlight. Application provided through its convenient and practical format.
Maquillaje fluido de alta cobertura despigmentante.
Green Corrective Stick: helps to camouflage redness (cuperosis, rosacea, recent scars, post-laser redness, birthmarks) Long term Water resistant, sweat and transfer. UV protection (SPF 20 Y SPF 30 for the coral stick) to protect the skin from sunlight. Application provided through its convenient and practical format.
Maquillaje dermatológico fluido anhidro de alta cobertura, gran extensibilidad y rápida absorción que oculta las imperfecciones, manteniendo la piel fresca, con un tono uniforme y luminoso.
Maquillaje dermatológico fluido anhidro de alta cobertura, gran extensibilidad y rápida absorción que oculta las imperfecciones.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016