ABOCA GRINTUSS is a pediatric syrup indicated for children starting from 1 year that calms cough effectively in children.Sweet to honey.100% natural.Suitable for celiacs.
Soft cakes flavored with honey and lemon that contain propolis, zinc and vitamin C to smooth the throat and improve bucopharyngeal health.
The syrup of Aboca Grintuss is designed for people from the age of 12. Soluciona quickly la mucous irritation due to infectious agents and also irritating agents, such as tobacco or dust.Suitable for celiacs.
Solución bebible que contribuye a liberar las vÃas respiratorias y a calmar los bronquios para facilitar la respiración.
Complemento alimenticio a base de extracto de hiedra. La hiedra procura un efecto calmante en las vÃas respiratorias y ayuda a facilitar la respiración.
Food supplement for the relief of symptoms of chronic pharyngitis. It favors the operation of the respiratory system.
Arkotos® Jarabe está indicado para el alivio de las tos seca y productiva en adultos y niños de más de 2 años.
Jarabe para niños a partir de 1 año a base de extracto de malvavisco y miel. Tiene un agradable sabor a fresa y no contiene gluten*, ni lactosa ni alcohol.
Natural Jarabe based on honey, thyme and tip of the brand Juanola. This can be taken by adults and children over a year and thus naturally improve the health condition of the upper airways. It contains neither alcohol nor gluten nor lactose.
Jarabe para afonÃas o suavizar cuerdas vocales cansadas. Indicado para todos aquellos que utilice la voz con mucha asiduidad.Elaborado a base de ingredientes naturales. Adultos de 1 a 5 cucharadas al dÃa, niños idem pero medio cucharadita.
It softens the throat in case of discomfort or snorkeling. With essential oils selected for their beneficial properties.
Food supplement in tablets that contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.Made with plants, Vitamin C and Zinc.Taste to the fruits of the forest.
Calm the dry and expectant cough. It relieves throat irritation. With honey and extracts of agrimonia, marshmallow and smaller tire.
Food supplement in tablets for the correct functioning of the immune system.Made with plants, Vitamin C and Zinc. Contains melisa oil and powdered propolis extract.Sweet to honey.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016