It softens the throat in case of discomfort or snorkeling. With essential oils selected for their beneficial properties.
Food supplement in tablets that contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.Made with plants, Vitamin C and Zinc.Taste to the fruits of the forest.
Calm the dry and expectant cough. It relieves throat irritation. With honey and extracts of agrimonia, marshmallow and smaller tire.
Food supplement in tablets for the correct functioning of the immune system.Made with plants, Vitamin C and Zinc. Contains melisa oil and powdered propolis extract.Sweet to honey.
Easy to absorb wild oregano in soft capsuleHigh quality herbal formulaextracted from oregano leavesIt does not contain sugars, salt or starch
Alivia la tos seca y productiva que se produce a causa del exceso de flema o de la irritación de la mucosa. Con ingredientes que favorecen la expulsión del moco.
Pharysol Spray para limpiar la superficie de la garganta, reduce la irritación, el dolor y crea las condiciones favorables para la recuperación. Ayuda a eliminar virus y bacterias, alivia el dolor al instante y protege tu garganta.Sólo con ingredientes naturales.
Aboca Golamir 2Act Compressed relieves sore throat, acting on pain, burning and difficulty swallowing, creating a barrier-effect film that protects the mucous surface and normalizes the mucous.
Complemento alimenticio a base de hedera heliz, altea, ácido hialurónico, miel y limón.
It helps to maintain the health of the airways. With N-acetylcysteine, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), propolis, drosera, ivy and vitamin C. For adults and children from the age of 3.
jarabe para adultos y mayores de 12 años a base de extractos de plantas (pelargoium, malvavisco y llantén), miel, limón y eucalipto. De agradable sabor, no contiene gluten, ni lactosa ni alcohol.
Propalnatur Spray - Tos Seca, Irritación y Dolor de Garganta es un producto sanitario que ayuda a aliviar la tos seca, la irritación y el dolor de garganta.
Producto sanitario para el tratamiento de la tos (seca, productiva, alérgica, irritativa) y el dolor de garganta.
Pastillas para el tratamiento del dolor de garganta, la dificultad para tragar y la irritación provocada por la inflamación de la garganta.
Jarabe containing honey, glycerol and essential lemon oil. It relieves the symptoms of cough associated with upper respiratory tract infections.
Própolis with Miel, Altea and Vit C by Juanola are soft pills that combine the effect of the extract of propolis, honey, altea extract and vitamin C.
Calm and softness - Contains essential oils of thynol QT thyme and piper mint, that relieve the crow, the pharynx and the vocal cords, and the laurel, that helps the healing of mild oral wounds
With the changes of temper and season, our throat may feel irritated. That's why it's important to always have a candy to help us hydrate it and improve your well-being and comfort. And if it also leaves us a nice taste in the mouth, better than better!
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016