VITIS® baby toothbrush is a daily brush especially suitable for the daily oral hygiene of the baby's first teeth.
VITIS®surgery is a brush with extremely soft filaments, specifically indicated for people who have undergone surgical interventions and need very mild oral hygiene without damaging the healing areas.
GUM Bidirectional brush to reach all the dental spaces of the mouth, both previous and later. Recommended by dentists.
Balene es el primer cepillo del mundo que limpia la cara interna y externa de los dientes a la vez.Disponible en dureza suave y media, para que se adapte lo mejor posible a tu dentadura.
Electrical brush indicated for sensitive teeth. Protect the gums and remove more plaque
El primer cepillo que limpia el interior y el exterior de los dientes al mismo tiempo, gracias a su innovador cabezal.
Parogencyl Cepillo de Dientes Quirúrgico Post-Operatorio Ultra-Soft es un cepillo adecuado para su uso después de la cirugÃa dental o para mucosas frágiles.
Interprox® Nano has been designed to remove the buccal biofilm (bacterial plate) accumulated in the interproximal spaces of 0.6 mm* and is especially recommended for previous teeth.
They are interdental brushes with rubber tips that gently clean between the teeth and gently tonify gums.
CEPILLO Filamentos 100 % VEGETAL. Mango y capuchón de plástico reciclado.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016