Alpha H is regarded as a global leader in products for the care of the skin that are correct and preventive, Alpha-h creates revolutionary formulations, reducing the existing line between cosmetic products and invasive medical treatments.
The concentration of 0.5 % vitamin A contributes to a smoother and smoother skin, as it stimulates the process of natural skin regeneration. This powerful skin regenerating antioxidant treatment is designed to improve the natural hydration of your skin and offer a younger complexion.
Alpha H Balancing Moisturiser & Gentle Exfoliant is a moisturizing cream that helps natural renewal and refinement of skin texture.
Type of skin: All types of skinSkin condition: Anti-aging, Dehydration, Aging/Piel Madura, Hyper-Pigmentation, Tiny Pores, Sensitivity
Alpha H Liquid Gold Smoothing and Perfecting es the perfect mask to balance and exfoliate your skin, leaving it fresh, bright and clean. It helps in the healing process of acne inflammation and in the treatment of skin scars.
Alpha H Beauty Sleep Power Peel is a double action treatment, anti-aging restorer, which increases collagen synthesis and stimulates cell renewal while reducing sun-induced aging, scars, acne and wrinkles.
Alpha H Liquid Laser Cleansing Oil especifically designed to illuminate the matt skins, without shine and dehydrated. This award-winning state-of-the-art nourishing oil and demaquillante is rich in antioxidants such as ferlulic acid, providing luminosity.
Alpha H Absolute Eye Cream SPF 15 last technology of peptides with sun protection for this delicate area. Triple-action formula!
Enzymatic powder scrub for all types of skins, even sensitive.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016