Pranarôm Vegetal oil Germen de Trigo Virgen 50 ml is a 100% natural cold-pressure vegetable oil made from wheat germ (Triticum aestivum) virgin.
The apricot vegetable oil Pranarom is an excellent adjuvant for preparations with essential oils.
Sweet almond oil, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, is indicated for the baby's sensitive skin. It is nutritious and emollient, so it softens dry skin.
El Aceite del Árbol del Té se extrae del árbol Melaleuca alternifolia. Su composición y su acción antiséptica natural lo convierte en un aceite útil para heridas, pequeños cortes, herpes simples, hongos en las uñas o acné.
100% natural and bio sweet almond vegetable oil obtained through cold pressure of almond. It has highly moisturizing properties.
The Argan Bio vegetable oil Pranarom is an anti-aging oil that repairs and protects the skin, rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It is a desert pearl traditionally used by Berber women to protect and revitalize the skin and hair.
Onagra vegetable oil 100% BIO origin ideal to recover and regenerate the most punished skins.
A Pearl of Maghreb and Asia MinorOil used by the high classes in ancient Egypt; centuries later Mohammed stated that he cures everything except death. It is a spicy flavor ingredient, also suitable for treating skin problems such as acne, psoriasis or herpes zoster.
Mix for baby diffuser prepared with bio-certified essential oils, able to soothe and soothe.
Pranarôm avocado bio vegetable oil is considered one of the most moisturizing oils within aromatherapy. In addition, it also connects between its palmitoleic acid components that facilitates the protection of cell membranes. Its applications are diverse since it can be applied both in the body, face and hair.
Virgin vegetable oil of hazelnut Pranarom suitable for aromatic skin massage, ideal as support of essential oils. It is a very fluid and slightly perfumed oil.
An easy-to-use neutral oil. It is soft, easy to use and suitable for all family members. Easy absorption and satin effect on the skin, its smell evokes the autumn fruits.
The softest of vegetable oils, with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-pruriginous properties. Its soothing activity is mainly due to the unsponsible fraction and the phytoesteroles that contains this lipid extract.
Its somewhat thick texture, its green color and the intense smell of curry should not discourage us. This oil is the best ally for circulation and healing. In Madagascar and other islands where it occurs, its properties are described with one word: regeneration.
An excellent vitamin E-rich oil to combat aging. It is a somewhat thick oil with an evocative smell of bread and cereals. It is conserved with difficulty; therefore, it is advisable to consume the product quickly once the container is opened.
The hypric macerated in vegetable oil is used long before the Middle Ages and is an authentic vegetable dressing. It's a oily macerate with scary, repairing, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties... it's no wonder it's so valued.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016