Somatoline Cosmetic, is the effective and innovative solution for the different cares of the body, from reducing silhouette and combating cellulite in its different stages, from the first manifestations to the most resistant signs.
The reduction consists of a cosmetic action of modeling, during use that does not imply weight loss.
The products are tested clinically.
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Somatoline Cosmetic Vendas Reductoras contiene dos vendas empapadas en una solución drenante y unos pantalones "efecto sauna".
Moreculin treatment to remove localized fatPack of two creams for greater efficiency with a single daily application
Intensive Anticelulitico, effective in 7 nights Shock treatment for fat reduction in thighs and hips
Somatoline Cosmetic Acción Intensiva Recambio para Vendas 6 Sobres 70ml es un pack de continuación con 6 sobres (3 tratamientos) de solución drenante para seguir disfrutando de la eficacia de Somatoline Cosmetic Vendas Reductoras.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016