Suavinex,is a brand specializing in baby items such as pacifiers SuavinexBiberons Suavinex or cosmetic products for babies.
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Tatuajes con Citronela de Suavinex
Suavinex Toallitas Húmedas Baby Wipes dermohidratantes es un producto de higiene y cuidado que permite limpiar fácilmente y de forma suave la delicada piel de recién nacidos y bebés, tanto la zona del culito en cada cambio de pañal.
Hydrating balm indicated for lips and nose. Ideal to treat irritations caused by cold in the sensitive skins of the smallest. Hydrata, repairs and protects the skin.
Ultra-suave silicone teat that simulates in shape, length and touch the mother's nipple. Special for bottle ZERØ.ZERØTM.
Collection The New Classic, fashions pass, style remains.Sucking for babies 6 to 18 months with anatomical silicone teats.
Suavinex Spray Citronela 100 Ml con aceites esenciales de Citronela, geranio y limón y extractos de caléndula y camomila que ayudan a hidratar y calmar la piel.
El Spray Repelente de Insectos Forte Suavinex ofrece un amplio espectro de protección contra el mosquito común, el mosquito tigre y garrapatas.
Chupete de látex anatómico para niños mayores de 12 meses
Hydrating Massage Lotion for Babies Suavinex deeply moisturizes the baby's skin. It is perfect for massages after bath thanks to its light texture and rapid absorption.It contains 90% of natural ingredients.
Hydrating Massage Lotion for Babies Suavinex hydrates the baby's skin in depth. It is perfect for massages after bath thanks to its light texture and rapid absorption.It contains 90% of natural ingredients.
Biberon withSX Pro, The Teat Revolution!The definitive step towards a more natural bottle feeding, designed to respect the development of the baby's oral cavity:
Collection The New Classic, fashions pass, style remains.Sucks for babies of +18 months with anatomical silicone teats.
Hupete made entirely of silicone in one piece, with the new physiological tetin SX Pro, flatter and flexible to adapt the baby's oral cavity and respect its oral development
Collection The New Classic, fashions pass, style remains.Chupetes for babies from 0 to 6 months with anatomical silicone tetins.
Suavinex Crema Pañal protege eficazmente frente a las irritaciones y rojeces. Gracias a la combinación de péptidos y activos antiirritantes proporciona una protección eficaz frente a rozaduras, a la vez que calma y regenera la piel.
Flow bottle adaptable to the baby's suction force. With ultra thin and tilted silicone teat. Thanks to its anti-colic bag it prevents air intake.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016