For cleaning sensitive skins with allergic reactions. With aseptic properties. Keeps the acid skin mantle thanks to its pH 5.5. Healthier and cleaner skin.
Hidrata y regenera, mejorando el aspecto de tu piel, y deja una mayor suavidad instantánea.
Natural soap with coconut oil, oleic acid and glycerin. For dry skins. Restore the flexibility of damaged skins. It maintains the natural moisture of the skin.
Jabón enriquecido con nácar de Concha, Vitamina C y Cold Cream. Ayuda a desvanecer pequeñas manchas y limpia la piel en profundidad.
Soap tablet rich in milk proteins. Hydrate and soften the skin. It returns elasticity and vitality. Thanks to the proteins of the donkey milk, it provides a tensor effect.
Jabón natural, de uso dermatológico, elaborado a base de extracto de mango, imprescindible para realizar un lavado profundo, consiguiendo eliminar positivamente los residuos de células muertas depositados en la superficie de la piel, consiguiendo así revitalizarla y devolverle su luz natural.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016