Leukomed T Plus combines the proven quality of transparent Fixomull with the high absorption capacity of Leukomed. The transparent and elastic polyurethane film is covered with a hypoallergenic adhesive, is waterproof.
Leukoplast Esparadrapo de Tejido Color Piel 2,5cm x 5m
Post-surgical deposit to keep the wounds clean and the incisions, to increase the level of healing and to prevent their infection. With tissue capable of repelling sweat and water.
Soft post-surgical fixtures, a water-resistant and absorbing material, with Sorbact material the fungi and bacteria harmful to our organism are trapped in the absorbing pad.
Leukomed Sterile ADH 5 X 7.2 Cm are highly absorbed adhesive deposits surrounded by an adhesive layer around high quality and hypoallergenic.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016