Laboratories KIN It is a brand founded in 1964 that works day by day to contribute to the care and oral health of large and small through quality products; they are designed under strict continuous improvement processes and that have a single mission: the maximum satisfaction to their needs.
You'll find her in ouronline parapharmacyand you can buy it online with the best prices and online promotionsKIN.
Farmacia Cuadrado is one of the online parapharmacies where you can buyKINin Spain.
Kin Fkd Pasta Dental Blanqueadora 2 x 125 ml
Adaptado a las necesidades de los niños iniciándoles en el importante hábito del cepillado dental.
Specific line of dental products to meet the oral needs of the elderly. Includes products for mouth care and cleaning of dental prosthesis
Cabezal pequeño, redondeado y con superficie para la limpieza de la lengua.
Thanks to its formula it helps to reduce the plate and reinforces the gums to prevent its inflammation.
Cera para evitar los roces de los brackets con la mucosa bucal. Incluye 5 barritas de cera mentolada.
Gel for the treatment of gums containing 1% hyaluronic acid and 0.20% of chlorhexidine DF.Strengthens, tones and visibly improves the appearance of delicate gums and mucous membranes.
Fixed cream for dental prosthesis. It offers extra, safe and durable fixation. It has a neutral taste. It doesn't contain zinc.
Extra strong cream indicated to fix dental prosthesis. It offers a safe and durable result. It doesn't contain zinc. Neutral taste.
Clean and refresh your teeth Kin Seda Dental With Cera Mentolada 50m
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016