Cool, stimulate, rethink and strengthen the hair.
It is a topical treatment of biotechnological innovation to help stop hair loss and stimulate growth.
HGFx3R, an exclusive ingredient with 3 growth factors that act synergically at the capillary level stimulating the anagenic phase (the growth of the hair) and favoring the emergence of new blood vessels at the level of the hair follicle.
The acronyms ?HGF? correspond to ?Hair Growth Factor?
The acronyms ?x3R? correspond to an ingredient with 3 growth factors that act synergically at capillary level stimulating the anagenic phase (haired growth): IGF-1, VEGF, Follistatin.
Easy application. On dry or wet hair.
Open the vial and hover the applicator to the container until your blockage. Apply all the contents of the ampoule on the affected area by dividing it on the scalp and massage slightly with the fingertips to favor the total penetration of the product. Letting act without clarity.
It is important to keep the treatment to get the desired results.
Shock treatment: 1 ampoule a day for 28 consecutive days.
Maintenance treatment: 1 blistering 3 times per week.
Advised treatment minimum 2-3 months.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016