No latex
Type of brush: Interdental. Headform: Cylindrical. (Interprox plus: maxi and micro) or Nano, super micro Chronicle (206896)F fiber material: Central stainless steel coated handle. Tynex filter.Durity: Soft.Private characteristics: Interdental brush for cleaning very small spaces. Top of the handle at angle. Short handle.Clean between spaces and allow to detect bleeding points (white filaments) and areas with bacterial plaque (black filaments).
1. Use the right size for each space. The brush must be inserted loosely, so that it is the filaments, and not the wire, those that are in contact with the teeth.
2. Move the brush from the inside to the outside, without spinning. To more easily clean the later pieces, attach the protective cap to the handle.
3. The upper part of the handle has been specially designed in the form of an angle to easily access all the spaces.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016