It's time to detoxify the organism, with Aquilea detox, an express plan in 10 days. Aquilea Detox + Quemagrasas contributes to the elimination of toxins from the body thanks to the Alcachofa and the Abedul; it favors the elimination of toxins from the skin thanks to the Silvestre Thought, it helps to the digestive comfort thanks to the Boldo, it helps to increase the elimination of water by the kidneys and the urinary tract thanks to the Cola de Caballo and contributes to a burning effect thanks to the Té.
Take 1 diluted daily stick in a liter of drinking water during the day
This product can be taken by a celiac person, allergic/intolerant to the egg, or intolerant to the milk.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016