Sale! Pranarom Essential oil Lemon 10 ml, Citrus lemon BIO View larger


Pranarom Essential oil Lemon 10 ml, Citrus lemon BIO


6,74 €

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Pranarom Essential oil Lemon 10 ml, Citrus lemon BIO

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Pranarom Essential oil Lemon 10 ml, Citrus lemon BI

Aromatic molecules : Limonene
Part distilled :

Original from India and cultivated in southern Europe and California, lemon
is one of the most useful fruits in natural medicine. The essence is obtained by cold extraction from the outer part of the fruit bark. To get a kilo of essence you need 3,000 lemons. Its properties are so numerous and varied that it is used systematically and successfully for countless conditions. The essence neutralizes Eberth's bacillus and staphylococ in 5 minutes, Loeffler's bacile in 20 minutes.

Traditionally known for its properties :
antibacterial ? antiseptic ? antiviral ? vitamin-P mimetic and fluidifying blood ? tonic digestive, carminative, aperitif, depurative ? litolithic.

Special precautions :

- Keep out of reach of young children.
- It is advisable to follow a varied, balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.
- Do not exceed the recommended dose.
- Except as indicated by a doctor or pharmacist, do not use during pregnancy, breastfeeding or in children under 3 years of age.
- Keep away from all sources of heat and light.

Professional council:

Oral way: 2 drops of essence 3 times a day mixed with honey, olive oil or cane sugar under the tongue.
External route: 2 drops of AE chemotyping and + 2 drops of AV hazelnut on the skin to be treated locally 2 times a day.

Usually, 2 drops of lemon essence in the morning before breakfast on a reed sugar stew and suck to purify. Reviews with

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