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Pilexil Champú Anticaida 500ml


15,95 €

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Pilexil Champú Anticaida 500ml

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Pilexil Champú Anticaida 500ml
Pilexil Anticated shampoo, specially indicated shampoo to stop hair loss as a unique treatment or as a complement to other anticated treatments. It is an effective treatment product, which besides slowing down the hair and stimulating its growth, has all the properties of a shampoo
of beauty:

- It's frequently used.

- PH suitable for hair (pH5,5).

- It contains special conditioners that facilitate hairstyle, while providing the hair with the softness and strength necessary to achieve a healthy and healthy look (pH5,5).

It is recommended to wash your hair as often as necessary.

1.Treatment: Its daily application is recommended, on the wet hair and frictioning the scalp gently until foaming. Once the hair is cleared, the operation must be repeated, leaving the product 2 or 3 minutes and finally clarifying until the total elimination of the product.

2. Maintenance treatment: It is recommended to use 3 times a week and can be altered with any other shampoo.

As a supplement to treatment can also be used Pilexil capsules and Pilexil blisters. Your combined action improves the results. Reviews with

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