Toothpaste to maintain good dental health: helps prevent gingivitis and reduce the plate. It includes antibacterial action and limits occasional bleeding of gums and gynagival inflammation.
Colutory indicated to combat problems related to halitosis.
DENTIBLANC blanqueador PRO es un dentífrico de uso diario y continuado para la higiene y el cuidado buco-dental, con una nueva fórmula de protección total, blanqueadora y antimanchas, abrillantadora y de acción reparadora y fortalecedora.
Collutory for cleaning people with dry mouth.
Bucal enjuage prepared with fluoride to prevent the appearance of the bacterial plaque and that the dread gingivitis is not produced.
NR-5 technology with rich texture and dense formula is a toothpaste, solidifying teeth and protecting them from decay.
Spray that reduces problems related to dry mouth.
VITIS®aloe vera pasta dentífrica apple-floor flavor is a daily-used toothpaste specially formulated to prevent caries, as it effectively reduces the biofilm oral (bacterial plaque) and remineralize the tooth enamel.
Colutory indicated to combat problems related to halitosis.
Caqui Un toque de baya de enebro. Toda la diversión de un gin tonic sin alcohol. Prepárate para los desafíos diarios. “Be You”.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016