It is a humectant and lubricating ophthalmic solution, without preservatives, which contains substances with protective action: lubricating and mucommetic sodium hyaluronate and Galacto-xiloglucan with balance and protection functions.
Lubricates and protects the eye surface, providing prolonged relief.
It is an ophthalmic solution with Galacto-xiloglucan and with high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate obtained by biotechnological synthesis.
Sodium hyaluronate is a substance with mucommetic effect, with lubricant properties optimal for the viscosity of that solution and the result is an effective hydrating and stabilizing effect of the tear film.
The Galacto-xiloglucan is a natural substance extracted from the tamarindo seed (Tamarindos Indica), very useful in the protection of the corneoconjuntival surface. The Galacto-xiloglucan forms a protective layer on the eye surface that allows the physiological balance of the tear film and the eye surface to be recovered.
The combination of both substances generates synergistic action on the comeoconjuntival surface that protects it from irritation by environmental factors (wind, sun, smoke, dry air), visual stress (overdue exposure to light, excessive use of computers) or mechanical factors (use of contact lenses, after eye surgery).
The concentration of this combination is enhanced in such a way that it guarantees lubrication even in the most intense discomfort cases.
This product does not contain preservatives and is suitable for use with contact lenses.
CE marking. ON: 0546. Class IIa, barren.
Sodium hyaluronate (0.4% w/v), Galacto-xiloglucan (0.2% w/v), manitol, dibic sodium phosphate, monobasic sodium phosphate, sterile water.
Keeping less than 25 °C. Caduced: 36 months.
1 drop in the eye once or more every day, as needed.
This product is exclusively for external ophthalmic use.
It can be used up to 12 hours after opening.
Do not use if the container is damaged.
Do not use in case of sensitivity to any of its components.
Do not use after the expiry date indicated in the product.
Do not touch the eye with the tip of the jar.
After its administration, blurred vision can rarely be observed due to the viscosity of the solution. Therefore, it is advisable to wait a few seconds before performing any activity that requires visual acuity.
Leave at least 10-15 minutes before administering another ophthalmic drug.
Keep out of reach and view of children
Don't ingest.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016