The most important component of the nail is keratin, which is practically impermeable to most antimicrotic preparations.
In many cases, mycosis is also present under the nail, which complicates treatment. Excilor® controls the microenvironment of the nail, acidifying the bed of the nail.
It crosses the nail, so it is treated "from the inside to the outside". They can spend several months before the affected nail has a completely healthy appearance. a foot nail grows just +/- 1.5mm per month.
It sharply lowers the pH of the nail, making it an unfriendly environment for the proliferation of fungi. However, the decayed nail must have time to grow again.
Treatment of the nail damaged by mycosis.
Wash the nail and remove all traces of nail polish. Use the applicator to cover the entire surface of the nail and the bottom edge with the product. Apply generously.
Leave to dry (1 to 2 min) before wearing the stockings or shoes. This way, the product can act well on the nail.
It is normal to experience a sensation of quemazon under the nail after application. This is proof that the product has penetrated the nail.
Apply the product 2 times a day (morning and night). For good results, tretation should be maintained for at least 3 months.
It is recommended to follow the tretation until the complete restoration of the nail. Close the container with the applicator to prevent evaporation.
Acetic acid, ethyl lactate, water, preservatives (without parabens).
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016