Food supplement especially indicated to help rebalance the flora. Vitamin D3 boosts immunity.
Natural antidyarreic that is able to adhere to the intestinal barrier and absorb toxins from bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea. In addition, it helps to increase the absorption of water and electrolytes and restore the intestinal epithelium.
Audiovit is a vitamin food supplement with Ginkgo Biloba and magnesium especially suitable for people who make up hearing problems.
Food supplement American red blueberry para the well-being of our urinary system. It doesn't contain sugars. WithD-Manosa and vitamin C.
This food supplement in the form of chewable tablet contributes to a better digestion of dairy.
This food supplement reduces the oxidative damage caused by blue light, also protects the eye from photochemical reactions.
It improves energy performance, decreases fatigue, promotes the normal functioning of the muscles and contributes to the formation of collagen.
New formula based on new scientific evidence on American red blueberry to prevent urinary infections.
Food supplement indicated for people with hearing nerve or optical nerve neuropathies. Contains Magnesium and Gingko Biloba
Lágrima artificial para el alivio de la sequedad ocular producida por factores externos.
Food supplement with vitamin B5, B6 and zinc. Powers night break, protects and nourishes the ciliated cells and recovery of mood.
This food supplement contributes to a better digestion of dairy. You have to take a capsule before taking any food that may contain lactose.
Food supplement with probiotics, which helps to maintain in good shape the intestinal functioning.
Treatment that helps to rebalance the intestinal flora and a better digestion. It includes prebiotics and probiotics. It helps in diarrheal processes, gases and constipation. It strengthens the defenses of the body.
It contains fruit of American red blueberry, ursolic acid and vitamin C. It contributes to eliminating bacteria that cause urinary infection.
This dietary supplement is composed of lysine, dry extract of purpureal echinacea, vitamin C, trace elements, zinc and copper. The combination of these ingredients leads to the prevention of lip herpes while minimizing their symptoms in case of suffering.
Salvat Nutira To Go 30 Compressed is indicated to avoid the ailments of bad digestions related to lactose intolerance.
Pruritane, hidrata la piel del conducto auditivo externo, ayudando a mantenerlo en buen estado y disminuyendo la sequedad cutánea, el picor y la descamación. Pruritane está especialmente formulado para hidratar y favorecer la reparación de la piel del CAE.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund Asturias 2014/2020, within the Consolidation operation Ticket Empresarial 2016